his article is in the continuation of last article on syllabus and references for TSPSC group I Mains examination.
Paper–IV Economy and Development
The fourth paper in TSPSC Group I Mains deals with the following subjects, having a weightage of 50 marks per area:
Indian Economy and Development
This subject can be broadly divided into two broad segments – concepts and data. Candidates have to first develop a thorough understanding of concepts like GDP, GNP, National Income, Planning, types of Plans, deficit and so on. After completing the conceptual part, students must collect relevant data and update it constantly.
Suggested References
NCERT Economy textbooks –Classes 9 to 12
Indian Economy – Ramesh Singh or Dutt and Sundaram or Mishra and Puri
Socio-Economic Survey of India
Telangana Economy
Candidates must first complete the Indian economy and then start preparing for this area as the concepts are the same.
Suggested references
Telugu Akademi books on Telangana Economy
Socio-Economic Survey of Telangana
Government of Telangana websites
Telangana Magazines
Development and Environmental Problems
Topics in this area were earlier listed under environment science. This subject deals with environment and development economics and overlaps with economy and society. The subject is limited in terms of the topics. Students are advised to start preparing on this subject after completing geography, society, and economy for better understanding in order to save time.
Suggested references
Ministry of Environment website
Topics related to environment in India Year Book
Paper-V Science & Technology and Data Interpretation
The fifth paper in TSPSC Group I Mains deals with the following subjects, having a weightage of 50 marks per area:
The role and impact of Science and Technology
This segment lists topics related to space technology, defence technology, and Information Technology. It includes current events and therefore students need to update themselves with the latest developments along with the previous achievements in these spheres.
Suggested references
Science and Technology by Spectrum
ISRO website
Science & Technology chapter in India Year Book
Modern Trends in application of knowledge of Science
This segment lists topics related to biotechnology, diseases, and measures. Preparation for this area should begin with reading basic biology as it will help in having a strong conceptual foundation.
Suggested references
Science and Technology by Spectrum
NCERT textbooks of Biology of Classes 8 to 12
Data Interpretation and Problem Solving
This area is an extension of Mental Ability in the Prelims syllabus. Before beginning preparation in this area, it is important to understand the level of questions being asked and therefore students are advised to first go through the questions asked in previous Group I exams.
Suggested references
Verbal and non-verbal reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude – RS Agarwal
Paper-VI Telangana Movement and State Formation
The sixth paper in TSPSC Group I Mains deals with the following subjects, having a weightage of 50 marks per area:
The idea of Telangana (1948-1970)
This phase begins with a brief overview of the pre-independence period and therefore students are required to start this paper only after completing Telangana History.
Mobilisation Phase (1971 -1990)
Towards formation of Telangana State (1991-2014)
The best approach to this paper would be to first form a chronology of the various events related to the Telangana movement and then start gathering information on each event – dates, persons, places, incidents, contributions and outcome,
Suggested references
Formation of Telangana – V Prakash
Important tips:
1. Limited resources for each subject suggested as the student is expected to write only 150 to 200 words per answer in mains. Reading too many sources will lead to the accumulation of too much information making it difficult to frame an answer in maximum 200 words. Also, the facts remain the same irrespective of the number of books one reads.
2. Preparing self-notes for each subject is recommended as it will be easy to revise. Current affairs related to the subject can be updated in the notes itself. Also, the student will develop a better understanding of the subject when writing his/her own notes. However, the notes should be concise – to the point.
3. Preparation and practice should go hand in hand. After completing each topic and subject, the students are advised to practice MCQs and descriptive questions. This will help them assess their preparation better and also understand the short falls in their preparation.
4. Holistic approach – covering all subjects and topics in each subject essential. The candidate should ensure that he/she is prepared on each area mentioned in the syllabus, especially for mains.