Hyderabad: The Telangana government has announced that a notification for 582 posts of Group II cadre will be released soon. This article discusses the eligibility for the examination, the books to be referred and the strategy to be followed for cracking the Group II Examination.
The following posts fall under the Group II Cadre:
• Municipal Commissioner Gr.III in (Municipal Administration Sub Service)
• Assistant Commercial Tax Officer (Commercial Tax Sub-Service)
• Sub-Registrar Gr.II (Registration Sub-Service)
• Extension Officer (Panchayat Raj and Rural Development Sub Service)
• Prohibition and Excise Sub Inspector (Excise Sub-Service)
• Municipal Commissioner Gr.III in (Municipal Administration Sub Service)
• Asst. Commercial Tax Officer (Commercial Tax Sub-Service)
• Sub-Registrar Gr.II (Registration Sub Service)
• Extension Officer (Panchayat Raj and Rural Development Sub Service)
• Prohibition and Excise Sub Inspector (Excise Sub-Service)
A bachelor’s degree from any recognized University in India established or incorporated by or under Central Act, Provincial Act, a State Act or an Institution recognized by the UGC or an equivalent qualification is required.
Along with the above qualifications, Physical Measurements are also required for Prohibition and Excise Sub Inspector (Excise Sub-Service) as indicated below-
For Men:
i) Must not be less than 165 Cms in height.
ii) Must not be less than 81 Cms round the Chest on full expiration with a minimum expansion of 5 Cms; Provided that in the case of candidates belonging to STs, where the required quota cannot be fully utilised for want of sufficient candidates possessing the requisite height, it may be relaxed by 5 Cms. So that it shall not be less than 160 Cms; (A relaxation of 5 cms is given for STs)
Provided the members of Ministerial Service working in Prohibition & Excise Department, Drivers and Attenders shall possess a minimum height of 163 Cms, if otherwise eligible.
For Women:
i) Must not be less than 152.5 Cms. in height.
ii) Must not weigh less than 45.5 Kgs.
The maximum age limit for Other Castes (OC) is 44 years.
Age relaxations: The upper age limit prescribed above is however relaxable in the following cases:
S NO Category of candidates Relaxation of age permissible
1 Retrenched temporary employees in the State Census Department with a minimum service of 6 months 3 Years
2 Telangana State Government Employees (Employees of TSRTC, Corporations, Municipalities etc., are not eligible) 5 Years based on the length of regular service
3 Ex-Service men 3 years & length of service rendered in the armed forces.
4 N.C.C.(who have worked as Instructor in N.C.C.) 3 Years & length of service rendered in the N.C.C.
5 SC/ST and BCs 5 Years
6. Physically Handicapped persons 10 Years
Exam Pattern
TSPSC GROUP II is a two stage examination consisting of
I. Written Examination – is an objective type examination consisting of the following four papers with a weightage of 150 marks per paper
Paper I – General Studies and General Abilities
Paper II – History, Polity and Society
Paper III – Economy and Development
Paper IV – Telangana Movement and formation
II. Personality Test – is an oral interview weighing 60 marks
The paper is titles as “General Studies and General Abilities”
1. Current Affairs – Regional, National & International.
This area has a weightage of around 20 marks. Students are expected to be well aware of the current happenings in all spheres over the last 6 months till 15 days before the examination. Reading the newspaper daily with special emphasis on facts is important. Newspaper reading will also be very helpful for personality test.
Sources: Telangana Today for regional, national and international issues
2. International Relations and Events
International relations deals with the way in which two or more nations interact with and regard each other, especially in the context of political, economic, or cultural relationships. A candidate should be aware of the most important developments – Example: formation of UN, organs of UN, world wars and so on, especially with respect to India – Example: important treaties India signed with different countries, in this sphere.
Sources: Covering this area from a General Knowledge book like Manorama is enough. Maximum of five questions may be expected from this area. The focus will be on recent developments and therefore it overlaps with current affairs.