Good morning to the Excellencies, Principal Sir, Sir, Madam and my dear friends. My name is … I study in class … First of all I would like to say a big thank to my class teacher for allowing me to speech at this great opportunity. My dear friends, we have gathered here to celebrate a most important day called as world environment day. I will recite a speech on the importance of celebrating world environment day. I have also mentioned the point of what we are losing day by day with the declining condition of our environment. Yes friends, it is necessary to be discussed among us so that we can know about world environment day and other points related to it.
My dear friends, UN had established a special day named as ‘World Environment Day’ in 1972 to save worldwide environment for our better future on the earth. In the happiness of worldwide technological development, we have forgotten that we are losing something too. Such developments have given happiness to us however on the other hand; it has snatched many natural heritages from us. My dear friends, do you know that our many favorite foods have been predicted to go extinct just because of our mistakes have been done for years in the form of developments like high use of electricity, deforestation, industrialization, direct sewage outing to the big river canals, invention of polythenes, etc harmful inventions. Such inventions have given rise to the global warming, pollution, rise of sea level, etc and declining the healthy condition of environment.
World Environment Day is a great annual event celebrated globally on 5th of June to understand our mistakes and act positively to neutralize the bad effects of those mistakes. It has been established to act actively on its various objectives. It was first celebrated in 1973 by the United Nations General Assembly and United Nations Environment Programme to address various environmental issues like global warming, food shortages, deforestation, etc. According to the scientists, in the near future more than two-thirds of flora and fauna will be extinct because of human-induced environmental changes. Our future generations will have no access to the foods like honey, coffee, king corn, chocolate and sea food because of huge changes in the climate and environment.
We like honey a lot and want to add one spoon of it to our daily diet especially morning smoothie. Soon, it will be called as liquid gold and we will get it at jewelers shop because 2 out of 5 honeybees are on the way to extinction due to the high level use of insecticides and pesticides in farming as well as increasing temperature and changing weather conditions. Such herbicides are toxic to the bees and other pollinators. Decline in the population of bees will also affect the food supply as they responsible to pollinate around 250,000 species of plants and 90 food crops.
Ever increasing rate of climate changes is snatching the chocolate from us. The main cause of difficulty in producing cocoa is continuous rising temperature and change in weather patterns. High temperature causes evapotranspiration from the cocoa trees means lack of water from the trees which ultimately lowers cocoa production. Its production will diminish more by 2030.
High temperature, extremely changing weather conditions and depleting water supply are causing rust and fungus which inhibiting the production of coffee. The production of seafood is also in danger and decreasing due to the global warming. Numbers of water-species, fishes including planktons are on the way to extinct. King corn is also saying us bye-bye because of the huge climatic changes and global warming. Deforestation at large-scale is pushing many plant species like palm oil, etc towards extinction.
Dear friends, we need to do something effective in order to reduce the rate of climate change as well as save many natural resources for better life on the earth in future. 3R techniques (reduce, reuse and recycle) can be very effective in lessening the impact of our bad activities over natural ecosystem. We should start from small but effective steps like switch to organic food from inorganic food, use of natural fertilizers over chemical fertilizers, reduce use of electricity, reuse things, recycle wates, stop deforestation, save wild animals, etc to reduce the rate climate changes. Our positive steps will really help in solving environmental issues in near future.
Healthy Environment, Healthy Future!
Thank You